WOW - Brand Film
A VO-led film highlighting the brand philosophy of WOW Skin Science.
WOW makes completely natural skin & hair care products, free of harmful Sulphates, Silicones & Parabens.
We married this brand feature with human nature – the inclination to be natural in a made-up, artificial world. The idea was to appreciate people who ditch fakeness and flaunt who they really are. To applaud the ones who boldly do what comes to them naturally, instead of following the protocol of expectations.
Because being true to yourself, standing your ground, is not so easy.
Especially when your natural self defies what the world is telling you to do.
For e.g., things as small as wanting to drink only juice at a booze party. Or cracking a joke at a tight-lipped office event.
Or things as big as caring for others before you take care of yourself. Or pronouncing you’re gender-fluid in a binary society. Or winning a gold for your country despite being ‘differently-abled’. Or making a Bollywood debut with size 40.
It’s not always a grand statement of rebellion. What it always is – is something personal. Inward. And hard.
And yet you do it. Because that’s what makes you WOW. That’s why, keep doing what naturally comes to you.
The film was supposed to feature many celebs. Young and old. Women and men. From film, TV, business, sports, public service, social work, gender activism, etc.
All setting an example by being their natural self, proudly.